It’s a global phenomenon in the western world: an increasing number of employees feel disengaged at work. They clock in, clock out, check in, but feel checked out. The workload is there, ever amounting. There is always more to do but they don’t feel any motivation to do it. What’s happened?
3 reasons to stop overthinking things.
Brains VS Brawn I’m sure you’ve heard it suggested or even explained with great conviction that in life you have to choose between the two. You may have heard that brawns particularly are cultivated at the expense of brains. It maybe that this was based on the anecdotal evidence that some sporting personalities seem to…
3 strategies and tips to be a productive powerhouse. And they cost nothing!
If we don’t have this skill, everything takes us longer and is harder. Yet it is simple to cultivate. Everyone can do it.
If you are a creative, I bet you’re familiar with the following scenario. You’re staring at the screen or blank piece of paper, but your brain isn’t coming up with the goods. The screen/paper is staring back at you. You hold your head in desperation, even massage it, as if it were Aladdin’s magic lamp! In today’s post, I…
Say what? “How could I write such nonsense?” I hear you questionning. Bear with me. Let me explain. I am not saying that positive thinking (or negative for that matter) doesn’t affect your actions, life or results. Far from it. It definitely matters how you think. Trevor Maber illustrates this well in this Ted-ed clip.…