Category: Myth Busting

  • The secret is that there is no secret…Or is there?

      Have you got a problem? Whether it be a stain on your shirt, dandruff, heart burn, a weight problem, a bad habit you want to break, here’s the thing: If a product really IS the solution, is there really a need for a NEW AND IMPROVED version ? I can guarantee you that there will always be…

  • Essential Ted-Ed viewing (5 clips to make the best use of your brain)

    Why are we such an unhappy, unhealthy generation despite having so much more (in all areas including medicine) than ever before? What would you say? It’s a complex situation requiring a complex answer? But what if Sherlock Holmes was right? What if it all was “elementary, my dear Watson”? These Ted-Ed clips illustrate what I believe…

  • Does the teacher appear when the student is ready?

    Do you listen to your unpaid teacher? And no, it’s not me!

  • There’s no app for being the best you.

    We want everything to be simple and straight forward.It’s a desirable thing. But making products easier to use for end users, developing systems so the work can be easily managed, better organised, easier to teach and hand over require a more valuable trait.

  • 2 little known principles about productivity and creativity

    We are talking about the practice of fallowing a field, i.e leaving it uncultivated for a season or 2, so the soil can regenerate. It has been practised in Israel for millennia. To start with, it was only associated with the Jewish religion but was borrowed by people of many creeds and cultures because it made so much…

  • 5 myths stopping  you from being a productive creative  powerhouse

    I used to think all wealthy people had to be dishonest or inhumane. Rewind time further back and I thought I had to be quite well off to run a car. Rewind time even further back and, I kid you not, I thought girls fell pregnant after eating a specific diet! Erhm. I was about…

  • Why gratitude  is your best ally

    Where has the time gone? It seems to be a recurring question of mine. I cruise along then at some point (usually about half way through the year) I go into a mild panic: I reflect on the goals I set myself (or thought of setting) and decide what to do next (either go for a proverbial…

  • Why and how to be positive in a cynical world

    Your  teachers insist that you get that degree to ensure you get a good job. There is no other way, they say.  Your family and friends are telling you why you can’t suceeed at this passion project you have.  TV programmes tell you how the rich are getting richer, the poor poorer and convince you…

  • 5 tools to work smart, not hard

    Your brain is incredibly fast. It has been estimated to process 200 million billion bits of data per second! No matter how fast a reader you are, while your eyes are following each word, your brain makes sense of it, as well as countless other cues in your environment. You’re probably not even aware of…

  • 3 reasons  why struggle is good news

    Yes, struggle is good news. Most of the time. This might sound a crazy thing to say in a day and age when convenience is all the rage. We are accustomed to being able to do pretty much everything easily, from the comfort of our home if we want to: shopping (grocery or otherwise), learning…

  • Why motivation isn’t what you need most

    You probably heard it before: If you want it bad enough, you will get there. Well… The flaw in this statement  is this:  NOONE  experiences motivation that lasts until they reach their goal. Every entrepreneur, athlete, artist has had moments when they wanted to give up. Because…

  • 4 ways retail is tricking your brain (and how you can defeat them)

    A few weeks back, I heard of a supermarket chain seeing a dip in their profits and losing market share to a discount supermarket chain.  I then thought “Well, why don’t you follow suit and really lower your prices?” Don’t all supermarkets do that at some point? I hear you say. It certainly looks this…