Why are we such an unhappy, unhealthy generation despite having so much more (in all areas including medicine) than ever before? What would you say? It’s a complex situation requiring a complex answer? But what if Sherlock Holmes was right? What if it all was “elementary, my dear Watson”? These Ted-Ed clips illustrate what I believe…
We are talking about the practice of fallowing a field, i.e leaving it uncultivated for a season or 2, so the soil can regenerate. It has been practised in Israel for millennia. To start with, it was only associated with the Jewish religion but was borrowed by people of many creeds and cultures because it made so much…
Your brain is incredibly fast. It has been estimated to process 200 million billion bits of data per second! No matter how fast a reader you are, while your eyes are following each word, your brain makes sense of it, as well as countless other cues in your environment. You’re probably not even aware of…
A few weeks back, I heard of a supermarket chain seeing a dip in their profits and losing market share to a discount supermarket chain. I then thought “Well, why don’t you follow suit and really lower your prices?” Don’t all supermarkets do that at some point? I hear you say. It certainly looks this…