Category: Blog

  • Why gratitude  is your best ally

    Where has the time gone? It seems to be a recurring question of mine. I cruise along then at some point (usually about half way through the year) I go into a mild panic: I reflect on the goals I set myself (or thought of setting) and decide what to do next (either go for a proverbial…

  • Why go on an information diet

    Following my own advice, I went on a purge in my email inbox. I unsubscribed from a few peeps. Then lo and behold! I subscribed to more! What happened? Well the peeps I kept were introducing various other peeps and I got intrigued. This made me think deeper about the reason why I should go…

  • How to deal with information overload in 3 steps

    Knowledge isn’t power. Not exactly.  No, this isn’t a typo. No I’m not being controversial. Let me explain. In my youth, I hated Maths. So when I left school I felt the need to revisit Maths as a subject. I read the book Mathematics for adults  by Graham Lawler (2005). In his preface he predicted…

  • How to turbocharge your body in 5 steps

    Is it possible to go from unfit, lethargic, having a beer belly and poor or questionable overall health to being ripped, fit and healthy in 4 weeks? Yes. Or at least that’s what it will seem from the outside. You can be unrecognisable in a month, for all the right reasons. But it will take…

  • Turbocharge your brain in 7 steps

    It’s a cold evening. A man is investigating the ground underneath a lamp post. A policeman notices and asks the man what is the matter. “I lost my keys,” says man. Police officer decides to help with the search for a while. As there is no sign of the keys, police officer enquires: “Where did…

  • Why and how to be positive in a cynical world

    Your  teachers insist that you get that degree to ensure you get a good job. There is no other way, they say.  Your family and friends are telling you why you can’t suceeed at this passion project you have.  TV programmes tell you how the rich are getting richer, the poor poorer and convince you…

  • Resolutions: 3 reasons why they fail and what to do about it

    “Sorry, I was taking you home!” I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said that. Maybe you know what I’m talking about here. In case you don’t, let me explain, nothing dodgy here. This normally happens when I’m giving a friend a ride. Next thing I know, we’re deep in conversation and I’ve switched to…

  • 5 tools to work smart, not hard

    Your brain is incredibly fast. It has been estimated to process 200 million billion bits of data per second! No matter how fast a reader you are, while your eyes are following each word, your brain makes sense of it, as well as countless other cues in your environment. You’re probably not even aware of…

  • Why is change so hard:  in 3 videos

    Where has the year gone!!! Time flies when you’re having fun…even when you’re not having fun actually. Maybe each year is a bit too much the same as the previous one. Maybe we want some change. We all want progress.  This is the idea behind new year resolutions. It’s certainly a good start. To have…

  • 3 reasons  why struggle is good news

    Yes, struggle is good news. Most of the time. This might sound a crazy thing to say in a day and age when convenience is all the rage. We are accustomed to being able to do pretty much everything easily, from the comfort of our home if we want to: shopping (grocery or otherwise), learning…

  • How to turbocharge yourself in 3 steps

    Do you relate? Your company has gained new clients, with their different quirks and demands you are trying to get to grips with. There’s also new staff to train. Workload seems to have doubled. Morale at the office is at an all time low. That’s where I was at a few years back. Snowed under,…

  • Beat shiny object syndrome in 3 steps

    The double edge sword of the information age: Never has it been so easy to access data on just about everything under the sun. On the flipside never has it been so difficult to distinguish the fine wine from the substandard,  the substance from the  fluff , let alone to choose from countless viable options.…