Tag: videos

  • The one rule to getting results

    If we don’t have this skill, everything takes us longer and is harder. Yet it is simple to cultivate. Everyone can do it.

  • The myth of positive thinking debunked

    Say what? “How could I write such nonsense?”  I hear you questionning. Bear with me. Let me explain. I am not saying that positive thinking (or negative for that matter) doesn’t affect your actions, life or results. Far from it. It definitely matters how you think. Trevor Maber illustrates this well in this Ted-ed clip.…

  • The silver bullet myth debunked

    It’s an ever changing, result driven, productivity obsessed world… We constantly need to adapt…Double quick! How do we cope ? By using shortcuts, making quick judgements, resorting to “life hacks” sometimes. This is actually an instinctive thing our brain does, but at the risk of not always being accurate. Experience your brain doing it while…

  • Do you think that making lists is for a particular type of person: the CEO, his /her secretary, or -I’m being politically incorrect here- the plain  boring individual, with a life devoid of spontaneity or creativity? I certainly did at one time. Would it surprise you to know that even for a creative, having a…

  • Why we need to update our thinking periodically

    Popular beliefs about the brain that have been debunked.