Tag: #ReThinkEntrepreneur #Launch

  • Do you think that making lists is for a particular type of person: the CEO, his /her secretary, or -I’m being politically incorrect here- the plain  boring individual, with a life devoid of spontaneity or creativity? I certainly did at one time. Would it surprise you to know that even for a creative, having a…

  • Why we need to update our thinking periodically

    Popular beliefs about the brain that have been debunked.

  • Scattered or Focused?

    I have always disliked distractions. I am infamous for not always picking up the phone. This became worse after I worked for a call centre, because the experience rammed down my throat how interruptions were detrimental to my productivity. As it turns out, some interruptions I still invite without even realising it. It’s insidious… Here’s…

  • You may have noticed…

    Let’s get acquainted.