Tag: Back to basics

  • Back to basics – Finances

    We do not learn financial literacy until very late. That is what is keeping us poor. Here are the basics that the financial sector doesn’t really want you to know.

  • Back to basics – Brain power

    Our brain is our most powerful tool in life and should rightfully be treasured. In this day and age it is under threat. This is my take on how to reconnect with this gift for a renewed life

  • Back to basics – Health

    This the foundation of good health. 3 areas we need to watch instead of pinning our hopes on miracle pills to fix us.

  • Back to basics – Fitness

    It’s difficult to see the wood for the trees in the worlwide pool of data that is the internet. Here’s the simple truth about losing weight and /or gaining muscle.

  • 2 little known principles about productivity and creativity

    We are talking about the practice of fallowing a field, i.e leaving it uncultivated for a season or 2, so the soil can regenerate. It has been practised in Israel for millennia. To start with, it was only associated with the Jewish religion but was borrowed by people of many creeds and cultures because it made so much…